Ban [ban, banish, ben]
[ban, banish, ben]
(prefix) ban (@user) [reason]
Ban a member in your server, he can't join the back until he got unban
(prefix) ban [clear (days)] (@user) [reason]
Ban a member in your server and delete his last messages (max 7 days)
Unban (prefix) unban (@user) [reason]
[unban, unbanish, unben]
Remove a member ban, so after that the member can join back
Kick (prefix) kick (@user) [reason]
[kick, getout, kickout]
Kick a member, but after that the member can join back
Mute [mute, m, mutee]
[mute, m, mutee]
(prefix) mute (@user) [reason]
Mute a member, so he can't send messages or talk in vc anymore until he get unmute
(prefix) mute temp (time) (@user) [reason]
Mute a member for a number of time, after that time the member can talk freely
Unmute (prefix) unmute (@user) [reason]
[unmute, unm, unmutee]
Unmute a member, so after that the member can talk freely
Warn (prefix) warn (@user) [reason]
[warn, wsrn, attention]
Warn a member, do command (prefix) help warn for more infomations
Mod logs (prefix) modlogs
[modlog, modslog, modslogs]
Display all moderation logs
Deafend (prefix) deafend (@user) [reason]
[deafend, deaf, disablespeaker]
Deafend a member from a voice channel
Mute voice (prefix) mutevoice (@user) [reason]
[voicemute, vcm, vcmute]
Mute a member from a voice channel
Disconnect (prefix) disconnect (@user) [reason]
[disconnect, vcdc, voicedc]
Kick a member from a voice channel
Lockdown (prefix) lockdown
[lock, lockdown, lockchannel]
Lock a channel that all members cannot write anymore in that channel
Unlockdown (prefix) unlockdown
[unlock, unlockdown, unlockchannel]
Unlock a locked channel, so others server members can write in that channel!
Nuke (prefix) nuke [@channel, channelID]
[nuke, renew]
Renew a channel, boom
Delete warn (prefix) deletewarn (@user)
[deletewarn, delwarn, delwsrn]
It will automaticly delete one warn from that user, in case you warned a member for a accident
Vote kick (prefix) votekick (@user) [reason]
[votekick, votek]
Vote kick a member with voting function, after 15m, if there are more agree votes the member will be
Cases (prefix) cases (case number)
[case, cases, caseinfo]
Fetch cases with numbers, so it will show you all infomations about that case