All Informations about Moddy's commmands list are includes in here. More informations visit this page to see it.
How to read this documention ?
[aliases] - this mean you can use this as a command. For example you can use BANISH for BAN. (something) - this mean you MUST add it into your command [something] - this is NOT required to add, but it is better to add it. (prefix) - after you invite the bot, just mentions the bot to get your prefix. (@user) - this mean you MUST mention a member. (@role) - this mean you MUST mention a role. (#channel) - this mean you MUST mention a channel. [reason] - this mean that you can add the reason, why you do this command over that member.
Members commands - 6
Help [help, h, hwlp]
(prefix) help
To get more help about Moddy
(prefix) help [command]
To get more help about a command
Vote [vote, votes, v]
(prefix) vote
If you like Moddy, you can vote for him. To make him Popular and the Developer will be happy and he will realese more updates.
AFK [afk, notonline, offline]
(prefix) afk (afk status)
Setup your AFK mode, so when a user mentions you the bot will show them your AFK status
Bug [bug, problem, bugreport]
(prefix) bug (Problem info)
To report a bug/problem to developer and he will fix it.
Reminder [remind, alert, reminder]
(prefix) remind [time] [test]
Remind you about something that verry importain
Snipe [snipe, lastmsg]
(prefix) snipe
Snipe the last deleted message
Chat commands - 5
Hash [hash, hashtext]
(prefix) hash (text)
Hash a message, it will look very cool!
Mock [mock, mok]
(prefix) mock (text)
Mock a message, it will be very funny!
Capitalize [cap, capitalize]
(prefix) cap (text)
Capitalise a message, it will look very cool!
Backwards [backwards, backward]
(prefix) backwards (text)
Backwards a message, it will look very cool!
Morse [morse, morsecode]
(prefix) morse (text)
Convert a message into a morse code.
Moderation commands - 16
Ban [ban, banish, ben]
[ban, banish, ben]
(prefix) ban (@user) [reason]
Ban a member in your server, he can't join the back until he got unban
(prefix) ban [clear (days)] (@user) [reason]
Ban a member in your server and delete his last messages (max 7 days)
Unban (prefix) unban (@user) [reason]
[unban, unbanish, unben]
Remove a member ban, so after that the member can join back
Kick (prefix) kick (@user) [reason]
[kick, getout, kickout]
Kick a member, but after that the member can join back
Mute [mute, m, mutee]
[mute, m, mutee]
(prefix) mute (@user) [reason]
Mute a member, so he can't send messages or talk in vc anymore until he get unmute
(prefix) mute temp (time) (@user) [reason] Mute a member for a number of time, after that time the member can talk freely
Unmute (prefix) unmute (@user) [reason]
[unmute, unm, unmutee]
Unmute a member, so after that the member can talk freely
Warn (prefix) warn (@user) [reason]
[warn, wsrn, attention]
Warn a member, do command (prefix) help warn for more infomations
Mod logs (prefix) modlogs
[modlog, modslog, modslogs]
Display all moderation logs
Deafend (prefix) deafend (@user) [reason]
[deafend, deaf, disablespeaker]
Deafend a member from a voice channel
Mute voice (prefix) mutevoice (@user) [reason]
[voicemute, vcm, vcmute]
Mute a member from a voice channel
Disconnect (prefix) disconnect (@user) [reason]
[disconnect, vcdc, voicedc]
Kick a member from a voice channel
Lockdown (prefix) lockdown
[lock, lockdown, lockchannel]
Lock a channel that all members cannot write anymore in that channel
Unlockdown (prefix) unlockdown
[unlock, unlockdown, unlockchannel]
Unlock a locked channel, so others server members can write in that channel!
Nuke (prefix) nuke [@channel, channelID]
[nuke, renew]
Renew a channel, boom
Delete warn (prefix) deletewarn (@user) [reason]
[deletewarn, delwarn, delwsrn]
It will automaticly delete one warn from that user, in case you warned a member for a accident
Vote kick (prefix) votekick (@user) [reason]
[votekick, votek]
Vote kick a member with voting function, after 15m, if there are more agree votes the member will be banned
Cases (prefix) cases (case number)
[case, cases, caseinfo]
Fetch cases with numbers, so it will show you all infomations about that case
Management commands - 5
Auto asign role [autorole, autor, aar]
(prefix) autorole (setup) (@role)
Setup the auto asign role, that mean when user join your server, the bot will automaticly add this role to that user
(prefix) autorole (setting) (true, false, @role)
Enable, disable the autorole or change the current role
Welcome messages [wellcome, wellc, welcome]
(prefix) welcome (setup) (#channel)
Setup the Welcome message, that mean when user join your server, the bot will automaticly send a Welcome message to the specified channel
(prefix) welcome (setting) (true, false, #channel)
Enable, disable the Welcome messages or change the welcome message channel
Captcha [captcha]
(prefix) captcha (setup)
Setup the captcha, that mean when user join your server, they have to do a small test first
(prefix) captcha (setting) (true, false)
Enable or disable the captcha function
Logger [logs, log, logger]
(prefix) logs (setup) (#channel)
Setup the logging system, that mean when moderator use moderation commands, the bot will automaticly logs that in the specified channel
(prefix) logs setting (true, false, #channel)
Enable, disable the logger or change the logs channel
Prefix [prefix, prefic, prefixes]
(prefix) prefix (new prefix)
Change your current prefix, but the prefix can't be 2 words
Role management commands - 5
Muterole[muterole, mrole, mutero]
(prefix) muterole (@role, roleID)
Mute a role so after the user with that role can't talk anymore, until someone unmute that role.
Unmuterole[unmuterole, unmrole, unmutero]
(prefix) unmuterole (@role, roleID)
Unmute a role so after the user with that role can talk freely
Hoist[hoist, displayrole, disrole]
(prefix) hoist (@role, roleID)
Make a role to display or not display in the member list.
Set color[setcolor, setco, scolor]
(prefix) setcolor (@role, roleID) (color(HEX))
Change the role's color.
Delete role[deleterole, delrole , deletero]
(prefix) deleterole (@role, roleID)
Delete a role from your server.
Chat management commands - 5
Text filter [textfilter, badwords, noswear]
(prefix) textfilter (setup)
Setup the text filter, that mean when user swear it will alert the user and if they swear many times, they will get mute.
(prefix) textfilter setting (true, false, badwords, cap, links, whitelist, blacklist)
Enable, disable some textfilter's functions or add some blacklist or whitelist
Poll [poll, pol, question]
(prefix) poll (question)
Ask members in your server about something
Purge [purge, clear, delmsg]
(prefix) clear (1 - 100 lines or max)
Delete many messages in one time, but the number lines can't be more then 100
Slowmode [slowmode, limit, slowm]
(prefix) slowmode (time)
Litmit the message per a number of time
Starboard [starboard, startboard, starb]
(prefix) starboard (setup) (#channel, channelID)
Setup the Starboard system, when user react a message with star emoji it will appert in a specific channel
(prefix) logs (setting) (true, false, #channel, channelID)
Enable, disable the Starboard or change the starboard channel
API commands - 7
Covid19[corona, covid19]
(prefix) covid (Country Name, Country code)
Get all infomations about Covid19 in a country
Search[search, google]
(prefix) search (topic)
Search in google about something
Translate[translate, trans]
(prefix) trans (text)
Translate a text to english
Wikipedia[wikipedia, wiki, defiene]
(prefix) wiki (topic)
Search in Wikipedia about something
Weather[weather, wether]
(prefix) weather (city/country)
Get weather infomations about a city or country
IP lookup[iplookup, locateip]
(prefix) iplookup (
Get location of an IP andress
DNS lookup[dnslookup, nameserver]
(prefix) nslookup (
Get IPv6 or IPv4 of a Name server
Tags commands - 5
Tag[tag, tags]
(prefix) tag (key-word)
Get a tag's content
Add tag[addtag, addtags, add-tag]
(prefix) addtag (key_word)
Add a new tag
Change tag[changetag, changetags, change-tags]
(prefix) changetag (key_word)
Change your tag's content
Delete tag[deletetag, deltag, deletetags]
(prefix) deletetag (key_word)
Delete your tag and until someone use that key word to add a new tag name
Tag info[taginfo, tag-info, tag_info]
(prefix) taginfo (key_word)
Get a tag's infomations
Rules commands - 5
Rule[tag, tags]
(prefix) rule (rule_number, display, setup)
Rule setup, get rule content or display all rules
Add rule[addrule, addrules]
(prefix) addrule
Add a new rule to the rule list
Delete rule[delrule, deleterule]
(prefix) deleterule [rule_number]
Remove a rule to the rule list
Edit rule[editrule, editrules]
(prefix) editrule (rule_number)
Edit a rule from rule list
Reset tag[resetrule, resetrules]
(prefix) resetrule (rule_number)
Reset the rules of your server
Infomations commands - 8
Avatar [avatar, pfp, av]
(prefix) avatar (@user)
To see a member's profile picture, but in bigger image
Stats [stat, botinfo]
(prefix) stats
To get my global stats, to see how big i am
Ping [ping, pinng]
(prefix) ping
To get my ping in your server, alway less then 200ms
My permissions [mypermissions, myperms, mperms]
(prefix) mypermissions
To get all of your permissions in that server.
My warn [mywarn, mywarns, mwarn]
(prefix) mywarns
To get infomations about last warn or nothing
Server info[serverinfo, sinfo, serverdesc]
(prefix) serverinfo
Get all infomations about that current server.
User info[userinfo, uinfo, whois]
(prefix) userinfo (@user, userID)
Get all infomations about you or someone that you mentioned.
Role info[roleinfo, rinfo]
(prefix) roleinfo [@role, roleID]
Get all infomations about you or someone that you mentioned.

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